About AITC

The vision of AGRO-INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY CENTER (AITC) is to “Integrate science and technology to enhance teaching, learning and evaluation competencies, and encourage out of the box thinking to co-create and share knowledge on an enterprise platform.”

To deliver support services in the most effective and timely manner, forward-thinking AITC is embracing a hub-and-spoke model, where connections arranged like a wheel. Various support functions move along spokes connected to a central technology command center “AITC.” Hub and spoke model promotes centralized operations by encouraging many to one entity relationship.

The primary objective of AITC is to build the technology infrastructure so that the College can leverage the power of agricultural intelligence and related technologies in teaching, outreach, and research activities. AITC will also assist in tracking and transferring research and extension projects, in-field trials, discoveries, and innovations in an efficient way using enterprise data integration and various smart technologies available to engage limited resource farmers and other stakeholders of Texas. AITC supports initiatives such as increased farm visibility, farm structure, and planning farm use, and to facilitate cooperation among research, extension, and academics.



  • Smart Classroom AV Support
  • Technology Support

Application Development

  • Data Warehouse & Data Mining
  • AI Applications
  • Data Visualization

Our Projects Under Development

..see what we are building.

Internal Applications

Helpful Links

Please feel free to reach out to us

© aitc.pvamu.edu